Active Pieces Integration

Active Pieces Integration

Take your lead capture a step further by integrating Poper's popup builder with Active Pieces, a powerful automation platform. This guide will show you how to connect Poper and Active Pieces, enabling you to automatically send captured lead data from your popups to Active Pieces for triggering workflows and streamlined data processing.


  • A Poper account with an active popup campaign.
  • An Active Pieces account.

Setting Up the Poper and Active Pieces Integration

Part 1: Creating an Active Pieces Flow

Access Active Pieces: Log in to your Active Pieces account and navigate to the dashboard.

Create a New Flow: Click on the button to create a new flow. This will define the automated actions that will be triggered when lead data arrives from your Poper popup.

Select Poper Trigger: Within the flow builder, locate the "Trigger" block. In the "Select Trigger" section, search for "Poper" and select it from the available options.

Choose "New Lead" Trigger Event: Active Pieces will display various Poper trigger events. Choose the "New Lead" event, which will be activated whenever a visitor submits their information through your Poper popup.

Copy the Test Webhook URL (Optional): Once you've selected the "New Lead" trigger, Active Pieces will generate two unique URLs at the bottom of the trigger block: one for production (live data) and one for testing. It's recommended to:

Copy the Test URL: Paste this URL to your clipboard for now.
Submit a Manual Conversion (Optional): Before using the live URL, submit a test lead through your Poper popup. This will capture the data structure in Active Pieces, allowing you to verify how the data is formatted before switching to the live URL.

Part 2: Connecting Poper to Active Pieces

Access Your Poper Popup: Log in to your Poper dashboard and navigate to the specific popup you want to integrate with Active Pieces.

Open the Integrations Tab: On the left side of the popup editor, locate the "Integrations" tab and click on it.

Select Webhook Integration: From the list of available integrations, choose "Webhook."

Name Your Connection: Provide a clear and descriptive name for your Webhook connection (e.g., Active Pieces - Popups). This will help you identify it later.

Paste Webhook URL: In the designated field for the Webhook URL, paste the copied URL from Active Pieces (use the test URL for now).

Click "Connect." After pasting the URL, click the "Connect" button to establish the connection between Poper and Active Pieces.

Testing and Going Live:

  1. Test the Integration (Optional): If you used the test URL, submit a test lead through your Poper popup and check your Active Pieces flow to see if the data is received correctly.

  2. Switch to Live URL (Optional): Once you're satisfied with the test and have configured your Active Pieces flow accordingly, replace the test URL with the live production URL from Active Pieces.

Congratulations! You've successfully integrated Poper with Active Pieces. Now, whenever a visitor submits a lead through your Poper popup, the information will be automatically sent to Active Pieces, triggering your pre-defined workflows and streamlining your lead management process.

Additional Notes:

  • Ensure that your Poper popup form fields and Active Pieces flow fields are mapped appropriately to ensure seamless data transfer.
  • Active Pieces offers powerful automation capabilities. Explore its features to create workflows that enrich your lead data, trigger actions in other connected applications, and automate various marketing tasks.

By connecting Poper and Active Pieces, you can unlock a world of automated lead capture and management, allowing you to focus on crafting engaging popups and nurturing your audience!

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