Back Button Exit Intent Trigger (Mobiles)

Back Button Exit Intent Trigger (Mobiles)

Poper allows you to trigger popups strategically, and this guide will show you how to leverage the "Exit Intent" trigger with a mobile-specific setting to capture visitors as they hit the back button on their phones.

Targeting Mobile Back Button Clicks:

Open Your Poper Dashboard:

Begin by logging in to your Poper dashboard and navigate to the specific popup you want to modify.

Access Triggers:

On the left side of the popup editor, look for the "Triggers" section. This section controls when your popup appears. Click on the "Triggers" icon or tab to open it.

Add Exit Intent Trigger:

Click the "New Trigger" button within the triggers section. From the available options, select "Exit Intent." This will add a new "Exit Intent" trigger to your popup.

Enable Mobile Back Button Force:

The newly added "Exit Intent" trigger will be displayed. Locate the checkbox labeled "Forced on back button click on mobiles." Tick this checkbox to activate the mobile-specific back button functionality.

Understanding Exit Intent:

It's important to note that due to accessibility considerations, the Exit Intent trigger in Poper only activates when a user has interacted with the current window on your mobile site. This interaction can be a scroll, a click, or any touch gesture that signifies user engagement.

Saving and Testing:

Update the Popup: Once you've enabled the "Forced on back button click on mobiles" option and configured any other desired trigger settings, click the "Update" button to save your changes.

Testing on Mobile:

Thoroughly test your popup on a mobile device to ensure it functions as intended. Open your website on your phone and simulate the back button click scenario while interacting with the page beforehand (scrolling, clicking, etc.).

Leveraging Exit Intent Strategically:

While Exit Intent can be a valuable tool, use it strategically to avoid frustrating mobile users. Consider the user experience and ensure your popup offers value or addresses a specific need at the point of exit.

By following these steps, you can effectively configure Poper's Exit Intent trigger with the mobile-specific back button force option, potentially recapturing mobile visitors who might otherwise abandon your site. Remember to test thoroughly and prioritize a positive user experience.

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