Device Targeting

Device Targeting

Device targeting is a powerful way to tailor your website's popups according to the user's device, whether it be a desktop, tablet, or mobile. Here is how to set up device targeting for your popups on

Step 1: Sign In and Access Popups

- Log into your account.

- Click on “+ New Popup” to create a new popup or select an existing one from your dashboard to modify.

Step 2: Choose Creation Method

- If you're creating a new popup, you can either let the AI generate one based on your requirements by clicking “Create Popup” or use a pre-designed template by clicking on “Choose from Templates.”

Step 3: Customize Popup Content

- Enter the popup customization interface where you can edit various aspects of the popup including the layout, content, and design elements.

Step 4: Access Global Settings and Display Triggers

- Navigate to the 'Display Conditions' to set the conditions under which your popup will be shown to users.

Step 5: Specify Device Targeting Options

- Look for device targeting options within the 'Display Conditions' or a similar section in the interface.

- You will need to set up specific triggers that define which device types your popup should appear on. There might be options like ‘Desktop’, ‘Mobile’..

Step 6: Save and Apply Your Settings

- After setting up the device-specific triggers, save your settings by clicking the “Next” or a save button to apply the changes.

Step 7: Test Your Popup on Different Devices

- Before making the popup live, it’s important to test it across different devices to ensure it only appears where intended.

Step 8: Deploy the Popup

- Once you’ve tested the popup and confirmed that it targets the correct devices, you can go ahead and publish it on your website.

Step 9: Monitor and Tweak as Needed

- Keep an eye on your popup's performance analytics. If you find that the device targeting needs adjustments, you can go back into the settings and make necessary changes.

By implementing device targeting, you ensure that the right audience sees the most appropriate content for their device, leading to better user experiences and potentially higher conversion rates.

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