Display After X Pageviews in Poper

Display After X Pageviews in Poper

Poper empowers you to control popup visibility based on user behavior. This guide will explain how to target popups to appear after a specific number of pageviews, ensuring your messages reach visitors at the optimal time.

Accessing Audience Filtering:

Edit Your Popup:

Begin by logging in to your Poper dashboard and navigating to the specific popup you want to edit.

Audience Filtering Tab:

On the left side of the popup editor, locate the tab "Audience Filtering." Click on this tab to access the targeting options.

Setting Display Frequency:

Find "Display On":

Within the audience filtering options, look for the property labeled "Display On." This will be a dropdown menu.

Choose "Once Every":

By default, the dropdown might be set to "Every Pageview" or "Every Session." To set a custom frequency based on pageviews, select "Once Every" from the dropdown menu.

Set Visits Count:

Now, enter the desired number of pageviews you want a visitor to accumulate before the popup appears. For example, if you enter "5" and select "Visits," the popup will only be displayed after a visitor has viewed 5 pages on your website.

Understanding Trigger Behavior:

There are two key scenarios to consider based on your "New Visitors + Returning Visitors" setting:

New Visitors + Returning Visitors:

If you choose to display the popup to both new and returning visitors, the pageview count will reset with each new session. This means the popup will appear on the 1st pageview, 6th pageview, 11th pageview, and so on, for each unique visitor session.

Returning Visitors Only:

If you target only returning visitors, the pageview count will be tracked across all sessions. The popup will then appear on the 5th pageview, 10th pageview, 15th pageview, and so on, for a particular returning visitor.

Combining Settings:

Remember that "Display On" works in conjunction with the "New Visitors + Returning Visitors" setting. Utilize both options to achieve the desired popup display frequency based on visitor behavior.

Saving and Testing:

Update the Popup:

Once you've configured the "Display On" settings and any other desired audience filters, click the "Update" button to save your changes.

Test in Incognito:

To ensure the targeting works as intended, test your popup using an incognito or private browsing window. This creates a fresh session, simulating a new visitor's experience.

By effectively utilizing Poper's "Display On" feature, you can strategically control popup visibility and deliver targeted messages at optimal moments in a visitor's journey!

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