A Guide to Using Unsplash and Giphy Libraries in Poper

A Guide to Using Unsplash and Giphy Libraries in Poper

Poper is making it easier than ever to create visually stunning popups by integrating image libraries like Unsplash and Giphy directly into the platform. This guide will walk you through the process of adding images from these libraries to your Poper popups.

Accessing Image Libraries in Poper:

Open Your Poper Popup:

Log in to your Poper dashboard and open the specific popup you want to edit.

Select Image Element:

Identify the image element within your popup that you want to replace with an image from Unsplash or Giphy. If you don't have an image element, you can add one using the available options in the editor.

Open Image Settings:

In the right-hand side settings panel for the image element, you'll find options for selecting and uploading images.

Access Image Libraries:

Look for a button or option labeled "Library". Clicking this will open a popup or side panel displaying three tabs: Images, GIFs, and Stickers.

Using Unsplash and Giphy:

Choose Your Image Source:

Select the appropriate tab (Images, GIFs, or Stickers) based on the type of image you want to add to your popup.

Search for Images:

The selected tab will display a search bar. Use this to search for images based on keywords or themes.

Select and Insert:

Once you've found the desired image, click on it to select it. The image will be automatically inserted into your Poper popup, replacing the existing image.

Note: As of this writing, the integration of Unsplash and Giphy image libraries might be in beta or under development. Availability and features might vary.

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