Excluding Poper from LiteSpeed Cache

Excluding Poper from LiteSpeed Cache

After installing Poper on your WordPress website, it's essential to exclude Poper's JavaScript file (poper.js) from LiteSpeed Cache. This ensures Poper always loads the latest version, preventing conflicts with cached data and guaranteeing optimal functionality.

Here's how to exclude Poper.js from LiteSpeed Cache:

Access Your WordPress Dashboard:

Begin by logging in to your WordPress admin panel.
Locate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings. You can typically find this by clicking on "LiteSpeed Cache" in the left-hand sidebar menu.

Open "Page Optimization":

Within the LiteSpeed Cache settings, find an option labeled "Page Optimization" or something similar. Click on this option to proceed.

Select "Tuning" Tab:

Once you're in the Page Optimization settings, locate the "Tuning" tab and click on it.

Exclude app.poper.ai:

Within the "Tuning" tab settings, find two fields:
JS Excludes: In this field, enter the following text: app.poper.ai
JS Deferred/Delayed Excludes: Similarly, enter the following text here as well: app.poper.ai

By entering "app.poper.ai" in both fields, you're instructing LiteSpeed Cache to exclude all JavaScript files originating from the "app.poper.ai" domain. This ensures Poper always loads the latest version of its scripts.

Save Changes:

Once you've entered the exclusion URLs, click the "Save Changes" button to apply your configuration.

While not always necessary, it's recommended to temporarily deactivate and then reactivate the LiteSpeed Cache plugin. This forces LiteSpeed Cache to clear its existing cache and rebuild it with the new exclusion rules in place. This ensures a clean slate and avoids any potential conflicts with previously cached data.

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