Geolocation Targeting

Geolocation Targeting

Geolocation targeting allows you to display popups to visitors based on their location, enhancing the relevance and personalization of your content. Here's a step-by-step guide on setting up geolocation targeting for your popups on

Step 1: Log Into Your Account

- Sign in to your account to access your dashboard.

Step 2: Create or Edit a Popup

- Click the “+ New Popup” button to start a new popup or select an existing popup from your list to edit.

Step 3: Define Your Popup

- If you're creating a new popup, either type in your requirements for the AI to create a popup or select “Choose from Templates” to pick a pre-designed template.

Step 4: Customize Your Popup Settings

- Once you select a popup, you’ll be taken to the customization screen where you can edit various attributes like text, images, and animations.

Step 5: Locate Display Triggers Section

- Scroll to the 'Display Triggers' section in the popup customization interface. Here you will configure when and how your popup will be displayed.

Step 6: Access Geolocation Settings

- Within the display triggers, look for a geolocation option. This might be within a "New Trigger" or an existing list of triggers.

Step 7: Set Geolocation Parameters

- Click on the option to create a new trigger or edit an existing one, then select the geolocation condition.

- Configure the geolocation settings to target specific countries, regions, or cities. You may need to enter the names of the locations or select them from a list provided by

Step 8: Save and Test Your Popup

- Save the geolocation settings by clicking the “Next” button or a similar command to apply the changes.

- Preview the popup on your site to ensure the geolocation targeting is functioning as expected.

Step 9: Activate the Popup on Your Site

- Once testing is complete and you are satisfied with the geolocation targeting, activate the popup so it appears to visitors from the targeted locations.

Step 10: Monitor and Adjust as Needed

- Keep an eye on your popup's performance and adjust the geolocation settings if necessary to optimize your campaign's effectiveness.

By setting up geolocation targeting, you can tailor the user experience on your website to be more engaging for visitors from specific locations, potentially increasing conversion rates and improving overall user interaction.

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