How to change Width/Height of a Popup

How to change Width/Height of a Popup

Adjusting the dimensions of your popup is a crucial step in ensuring that it fits well within your website's layout and provides a good user experience. Follow these steps to change the width and height of your popup on

Step 1: Login to Your Poper Account

- Sign in to your dashboard.

- Click on “+ New Popup” to start creating a new popup or select an existing popup from your list to edit.

Step 2: Navigate to Template Selection

- If creating a new popup, use the AI to generate a popup by entering your requirements and clicking “Create Popup” or choose from available templates by selecting “Choose from Templates”.

Step 3: Select a Template

- From the available templates, select one that fits your campaign's needs.

Step 4: Access the Popup Editor

- Once the template is selected, you’ll be taken to the editing interface where you can customize your popup further.

Step 5: Find Size Adjustment Tools

- In the editing mode, look for the "Global Settings" on the customization panel where you can find "Width" and "Height" settings.

Step 6: Adjust Width and Height

- Click on the "Width" or "Height" input field and type in your desired dimensions in pixels, and percentages, or use the slider provided to adjust the size accordingly.

Step 7: Review Changes

- As you adjust the width or height, the popup preview should immediately reflect the changes allowing you to review the new dimensions in real-time.

Step 8: Save Your Changes

- After you’ve adjusted the dimensions to your satisfaction, ensure to save your changes by clicking the “Next” button or any other save option provided.

Step 9: Test the Popup on Your Site

- It’s recommended to test the popup on your actual website to confirm the dimensions are appropriate and do not obstruct or distort the website’s content.

By following these steps, you can customize the width and height of your popups on to match your design preferences and ensure a seamless integration into your website.

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