How to submit form in Poper and redirect immediately after it?

How to submit form in Poper and redirect immediately after it?

Follow this guide to learn how to set up a form submission in Poper that redirects the user to a specified URL immediately after submission.

Steps to Set Up Form Submission and Redirection:

Access Poper Dashboard:

Navigate to your Poper dashboard.
Open the popup you want to edit or create a new popup by clicking Add New.

Open Popup Editor:

In the Popup Editor, select the form submit button where you want to set up the form submission and redirection.

Configure the Submit Button:

After selecting the submit button, locate the Button Actions settings on the right-hand sidebar.
Choose the option to submit the form and redirect and enter the URL where you want the user to be redirected after the form is submitted.

Enter the Redirect URL:

In the designated field, enter the URL where you want the user to be redirected immediately after form submission.

Save the Popup:

Save your changes by clicking the Save button.

Test the Form Submission:

Fill out the form and submit it to verify that the redirection works as intended.
Make any necessary adjustments if the redirection does not function properly.
By following these steps, you can easily set up a form in Poper that redirects users to a specific URL immediately after they submit the form. This can enhance user experience and ensure they are taken to the desired destination seamlessly.
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