Make Elements Clickable in Poper

Make Elements Clickable in Poper

Poper's popup builder just got more interactive! You can now transform various elements within your popups into clickable hotspots, creating engaging experiences for your visitors. This guide will show you how to make headings, subtext, boxes, and images clickable, along with the actions you can trigger with each click.

Making Elements Clickable:

Access Your Popup:

Head over to your Poper dashboard and select the popup you want to edit.

Select the Element:

Identify the element you want to make clickable. This could be a heading, subtext, box, or image within your popup design.

Enable Clickability:

On the right-hand side of the editor, locate the settings panel for the chosen element. Look for a toggle or checkbox labeled "Clickable" or similar. Enable this option to activate click functionality for the selected element.

Choose an Action:

With the element now clickable, you'll see a dropdown menu or selection option for "Action." This defines what happens when a visitor clicks on the element.

Available Clickable Actions:

  • Form Submit: This action triggers the submission of the existing form within your popup, capturing visitor data.
  • Form Submit and Redirect: Similar to Form Submit, but additionally redirects the visitor to a specific URL after successful form submission.
  • Open Link: This opens a new web page or online resource when clicked. By default, it's set to "#" (no link), but you can customize the destination URL.
  • Close Popup: This action gracefully closes the popup upon being clicked.
  • Spin Wheel (if applicable): If you're using a spin wheel element in your popup, clicking the element will spin the wheel.
  • Go to Step (if applicable): This action, relevant for multi-step popups, navigates the visitor to a particular step within the popup sequence.
  • Scroll To Top.

Final Touches:

Customize Action Details: Depending on the chosen action, you may need to provide additional details. For example, entering a specific URL when using "Open Link" or selecting a step name in "Go to Step."

Save and Publish: Once you've configured the clickable element and its action, be sure to click "Save" or "Update" to apply the changes.

Expand Your Popup's Potential:

By strategically adding clickable elements and actions, you can create dynamic and engaging popups that drive higher user engagement and conversion rates. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your audience and marketing goals!

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